Extra Accessories Application | AUTOEXPO Tanzania 2022

Extra Accessories Application

Prices shown are inclusive of supply, hire, assembly, installation and maintenance for the entire 3-day duration of the exhibition as well as disassembly, removal and disposal.
To view images of the Extra Accessories

项目 Cost in US$ 数量
1 Standard Table 35
2 Chair 20
3 Counter - White Lockable 90
4 Glass Display Showcase (3 Shelves) 220
5 Shelf Straight 30
6 展示盒 - 领奖台 - 小 75
7 Display Box - Podiums - Medium 100
8 Display Box - Podiums - Large 125
9 展位地毯 每平方米25 / sqm
10 Brochure Stand 80
11 Roll up Banners 100
12 LCD Screen 39" 300
13 CD/DVD Player 150
14 Assistant/ Hostess 300
15 Flower Decoration 80
16 Waste Basket 10
17 Extension cable 4 point 30
18 Spotlight 30
19 电源引脚13amp平板 15
20 Single phase distribution board 150
21 Three phase distribution board 250
22 Laptop 300
Total in figures :
Amount: US$ :
We declare that we have agreed to the terms & conditions of the contract overleaf. Please issue an invoice enabling us to effect payment.
Payment Terms:-
  • After receiving your application, we will be sending you the invoice. Payment should reach us within 7 working days.

  • Foreign Companies to pay by Telex Transfer in Favour of "EXPOLINK EXHIBITIONS ORGANIZERS".

  • Bank IBAN: AE050211000000201785014, CITIBANK, PO. Box 749, Dubai, U. A. E. Swift Code : CITIAEAD.

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Expogroup is a full service exhibition organiser with over 26 years experience in International trade exhibitions. Our current portfolio includes 27 annual exhibitions from a diverse range of industries being held across the Middle East & Africa.

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