Please read below, most commonly asked quetions:-
BUILDEXPO comprises of many major categories right from building & construction, water technologies, tools & hardware to safety & security etc. For more information on the same please
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inquiry form.Based on the information you provide, we will determine if your company can be admitted as an exhibitor and our consultant will contact you immediately.
Once you have filled in the inquiry form, you will be directed to the different participating options that we offer.
How do I register as a Sponsor at the BUILDEXPO?
We offer different sponsorship options with many benefits. Please fill in the sponsorship inquiry form
herefor more information.
Your application only includes stand / space at the exhibition with basic furniture provision such as table, chairs, electrical socket, spot lights and waste bin. The basic furniture provisions differ depending on the stand size. This will also include an entry in the show catalogue as well as the exhibitor badges.
You can view the list of extra furniture / services that we offer
Please view the dimensions
The opening ceremony will take place on the first day of the event at 11:00am. Exhibitors are requested to gather at the reception area during the inauguration of the event as the Chief Guest will make a small speech followed by the ribbon cutting ceremony and a visit to the stands by a select group of VIP officials, Embassies & Government officials.
The Exhibition is open from 10:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. Exhibitors will have access to their stands one hour before the exhibition starts each day.
Stand construction commences two days prior to the event. Exhibitors who have opted for the stand are allowed setup after 03:00pm noon, one day prior to the event. For those who have opted for raw space and ready-made designer stands, your design has to be submitted to our on-site team and after approval you will be allowed entry at the same time when stand construction begins. Admission to the venue is with your Exhibitor badges.
What time does the event close on the last day?
All exhibitors are requested to stay in their stands till the closing of the exhibition and not leave the stands empty. The event closes at 6:00 pm on the last day and clients with cargo are requested to inform their cargo agents or the onsite team about the same as no cargo will be allowed to be stored overnight. Dismantling of the stands is done on the same day after closure of the exhibition.
How can I get hold of a business directory?
You will receive a copy of the business directory / Yellow pages at your stand.
I am traveling from abroad. Where can I find visa information for my country?
Which is the hotel mentioned in your package?
Tamarind Tree Hotel,
Carnivore Grounds, Langata Road,
P.O Box 48854 Nairobi 00100 Kenya.
Tel: +254 70 924 0000 | Irene Sekenan Mob: +254 721 797 850
www.tamarindtree-hotels.com| Email:
How far is the hotel mentioned in your package from the exhibition center? / Can I change the hotel if I do not like it?
The hotel is at about two minutes walk from the exhibition centre. We have selected the best and nearest hotel as our official one and there should be no reason for disliking them. Since reservations and payments are made in advance, it will be difficult for us to make the change. However, please contact our on-site team at the venue for assistance and they will try their best to satisfy you.
Who will pick us up from the airport?
所有展览ors who have opted for the Full package will be picked up and dropped off at the airport according to the timings mentioned in the filled forms. Please ensure you fill in the right details as our service providers will be following the chart accordingly. There will be a sign board at the airport as well as a driver with the BUILDEXPO Africa 2022 Exhibition logo name plate. Exhibitors who haven’t taken the packages can get a prepaid taxi from the airport Taxi counter.
East Africa is as safe as any other region in the world. Though we would say that Africans are the friendliest people in the world, it is always necessary to take precautions no matter where you are. There is absolutely no danger to life but petty thefts are possible. You just need to take care of your expensive and personal belongings such as laptops, mobiles and watches etc. by not leaving them unattended. As far as organization is concerned, Expogroup has an experience of 25 years in Africa. Our facilities, equipment and services are unmatched in the region though they cannot be compared yet to exhibitions held in Germany and other developed countries. However, facilities are being improved every year.
It is good to keep all your cargo details and contacts along with you. Let our on-site team or your consultant know which cargo agent you are dealing with and also confirm the same with your clearing agent. Cargo can be delivered to the venue 2 days prior to the event. It is advisable not to send all your stand material via cargo. One may carry along with them items such as stationary, business cards and brochures just in case the cargo is not cleared on time. Cargo should be sent one month prior to the event and needs to be cross checked with your agent. We will not be responsible for cargo that is not cleared on time. Please
Click here有关货物的更多信息,以及我们官方货物代理的联系方式欧宝那个国家的
What vaccination is required for entry permit to Kenya?
Please check with your travel agent and medical authorities in your country as a yellow fever vaccination certificate is a must for entry into Kenya. Without this certificate immigration officials will not allow entry into the country. For your own safety it is advisable to carry along with you a small medical kit with basic medicines.
How safe is it to leave my material in the stand?
Is the venue a smoking free area?
How much money do I require to roam around with and where do I exchange?
How can I get a mobile SIM or Internet access?
After the exhibition, we would like to visit a Safari of go on a tour. Can you be of any help?
Yes, certainly. Please ask your event manager on site or at the exhibition reception to provide you with the details of the available options. Tour guide books are also available at most stores.
If I require an assistant how could I get one?
Please inform us in advance should you require an assistant during the exhibition as we can arrange for one at a cost which can be paid directly to the assistant. Should you be taking your own assistant kindly do a background check or do not leave your stand and personal belongings entirely with them.
The exhibition is open to industry professionals only. Please view the visitor profile
What are the visiting hours of the exhibition?
The Exhibition is open for visitors from 10:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.